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NMO Painting Competition 13th-16th of August 2024

Where: Ráðhús Reykjavíkur, Tjarnargötu 11, 101 Reykjavík

Any questions regarding the assignments may be addressed to Chief Judge Erlendur

*Measurements and details in the assignments may be adjusted before the competition due to circumstances beyond our control. Theparticipants will be informed if such alterations should occur.


Competition Program

Tuesday 13th of august

18:00    Taxis from Fosshótel Reykjavík, ask for NMO
18:30    Ráðhúsið
Inspection of the competition area and booths (Complaints, if any).
Presentation of the assignment and program for the competition.
20:00    Taxis from Ráðhúsið to Fosshótel Reykjavík


Wednesday 14th of august

08:30    Transportation to competition site.
09:00    Competition begins.
Lunchbreak and pauses will be arranged.
17:00    Competition ends.
17:15    Transportation to hotel.
Dinner and social for coaches, competitors and other guests, see NMO program.


Thursday 15th of august

08:30    Transportation to competition site.
09:00    Competition continues.
Lunchbreak and pauses will be arranged.
17:00    Competition ends.
17:15    Transportation to hotel.
Dinner reception at the hotel with all NMO delegates, see NMO program.


Friday 16th of august

08:30    Transportation to competition site.
09:00    Competition continues.
Lunchbreak and pauses will be arranged.
16:00    Competition ends.
16:45    Transportation to hotel.
Formal dinner, see NMO program.